Sunday, February 4, 2007

Extra-Terrestrial Enquirer!

Gordon, is that YOU?
Go (Polar) Bears! Did Saturday’s Blizzard make wimps or warriors out of us? 8 or 9 or, by one isolated report, 10 extreme adventure enthusiasts risked frostbite, hypothermia, poor visibility, avalanche and just plain death, for what, a 12 mile run? Who are these people…total lunatics? Marty Buffenbarger, exercising his police force authority, issued an evacuation at Plainwell City Hall with an order to seek shelter, but several, planning an insanity plea, rebelled against the captain’s commands and good common sense. We learned that Gordon Hare, of all people, showed up in Plainwell. It comes as no surprise that Mark Sigfrids, Ralph Meyer and Bob Smola set out. But we learned that Pat Johnson has a sense of adventure and no fear of death as well…no way! Zero Beyond ladies showed up. Jen Shaffer and Bob Poznanski made like the Colts and showed up at the track Sunday morning, selecting warmth over frost bite.

Jennifer Shaffer leads (what else is new)
Always one to explore the wild side of running, here is Todd Raab reporting live from a snow drift: Bonnie…Bonnie….Bonnie. Where were you? You guy’s can’t cancel just because it was -15 degrees today! There were about 10 of us still out there this morning. It turned out to be a freaking rave run. My beard froze solid right along with my Gatorade and left hand. Beautiful. Totally Intense and even a little scary/dangerous! The Space Captain confesses to waking up and wimping out at 5:00 am, calling and waking Co-Commander Marty Buffenbarger at 5:15, sending a cancellation e-mail, then diving back into under the covers for 2 more hours!
Todd escapes the snow drift!

Want to get involved in a truly worthy community cause and fight cancer…there’s two coming up just for you…with one at the air zoo! The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is June 2 & 3 and Team Charmin’s Mark Chicoine and Team Varmin’s Peggy Zeeb will be combining toilet paper and rodent talents to Captain the Kalamazoo Area Runners Ship. Julie Wotasjek and several others will be climbing on board as space crew and no doubt they could use YOU! Each team will have a runner or walker out on the course during the 24 hours beginning 11:00 am June 2 through 11:00 am June 3, the most popular time being the luminary ceremony after Sundown. Contact Peggy Zeeb at if you would like to sign up for a time slot to run, or to help out with the team event site. Check it all out right here: Relay for Life
If the Komen Foundation Race for the Cure is on your agenda, Renee Brady will be organizing a KAR/BCRR team and captaining that ship. The 2007 detail isn’t out at the South West Michigan Komen Foundation website address yet, but watch for it soon and join the team in the fight against breast cancer.

Is it double dipping into two coffers of galactic fun or total defection? It appears that some of the Beyond have also made appearances, even long term commitments, to the other “B” rated camp, Borgess Run Camp. It is against our policy to expose the names of such serious violations of run camping ethics policy, but be afraid…..and know that the Alien Gods know WHO you are.