Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Maximize Velocity with VO2 Max!!!

In another week the high intensity Comets will be revving up their track workout engines with a high velocity V02 max session while moderate intensity Meteors continue to concentrate on lactate threshold workouts. Although pure endurance and lactate threshold are the most important physiological variables for the marathon distance, V02 max workouts are still important to maximize marathon performance and have been intermingled in the high intensity training schedules. So what is the difference between VO2 max and lactate threshold and why is VO2 max also important?

VO2 Max (VO2) workouts increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood your heart can pump to your muscles by increasing stroke volume and increase the amount of oxygen your muscles can extract from the blood. This is important because it determines your aerobic capacity. The higher you raise your VO2 max, the greater your ability to produce energy aerobically. The more energy you can produce aerobically, the faster pace you can maintain.

Your VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen that you can take in, process and use to provide the energy you need to run. The upper limit of your VO2 max (also known as aerobic capacity) is in large part genetically predetermined. However, most runners have not “maxed” out their functional aerobic capacities and well-designed training can have a significant impact on improving your VO2 max.

How do VO2 Max workouts differ from lactate threshold workouts? VO2 Max intervals are shorter…and faster than lactate threshold intervals. They are medium length intervals of 600 – 2000 meters at current 3k - 5k race pace. The recovery period between intervals is also longer. In between each VO2 max interval jog 50 – 90 % of the time it takes to run the repeat. The recovery time, along with proper pacing, is a key ingredient in performing these workouts effectively. A good rule of thumb is to jog ½ the distance of the interval. These workouts will increase your aerobic capacity to its upper functional limit. Anywhere from 2 ½ to 5 miles worth of intervals should be part of every VO2 max session (for example 5 x 800 meters) At this running speed, your heart rate will generally be at 95 – 100% of maximum and 95-98% of Heart Rate Reserve (HRR). VO2 Max workouts are more demanding on the body than lactate threshold workouts and usually require an additional day or two of recovery above and beyond what is required by lactate threshold workouts. A 5k race makes a great substitute for a scheduled VO2 Max session.

Lactate threshold runs are slower than VO2 Max workouts….and when they are run as intervals, the recovery period is also shorter…usually 60 seconds. For a tempo run, recovery is nonexistent. Your lactate “threshold” is the speed just below the point at which lactic acid is being produced at a faster rate than it can be removed from the bloodstream, Threshold pace is at your 10-mile race pace, approximately 25 - 30 seconds/mile slower than 5k race pace, 10 – 15 seconds/mile slower than 10k race pace or 20 – 30 seconds faster than marathon race pace. This correlates with an effort of about 75 – 90 percent of maximum heart rate or 80-92% of Heart Rate Reserve (HRR).

The two types of workouts also compliment each other. Lactate threshold is often expressed as a percentage of VO2 max. As you improve your lactate threshold, your pace becomes faster relative to your VO2 max. If you raise your VO2 max, it allows more leeway to raise your lactate threshold ceiling higher as well. Lactate threshold, however, can continue to improve many years after you maximize gains in VO2 max. It is very important that both VO2 max and lactate threshold runs are done exactly at or right below the appropriate pace. If you train too fast, the desire improvements will not occur and it will make it difficult to complete the entire workout at lactate threshold or VO2 max pace. It is also important to begin and end workout sessions of both types with a warm up and cool down.

Like lactate threshold workouts, during the winter months VO2 Max workouts can be run on the treadmill, an indoor track or a measured road or bike path free of snow or ice.

Reference: Pfitzinger, P., and S. Douglas. 1999. Road Racing for Serious Runners. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.